Busy work schedule?     

Can't find childcare to make it to class?       

Location is too far from your home?

No Problem

Our Live interactive classes are done from the comfort of your home! No need to change out of your PJ's. All you need is a laptop or your smart phone, that simple!! Join a class at anytime during pregnancy or during your breastfeeding journey. It's a live virtual class. You can choose a private class or group to interact with other parents too. 

Breastfeeding & Newborn Basics
1 class  

Price $100 

Topics Include:

  • Benefits and advantages to breastfeeding
  • Preparing for a great start 
  • The golden hour & skin to skin
  • Position & Latch techniques 
  • Overcoming complications and ways to troubleshoot
  • Taking care of your newborn in the early weeks
  • Safe sleep practices
  • Babywearing
  • Bathing & swaddling

Pumping & Preparing Breast milk
1 class 

Price $100

Topics include:

  • Choosing the right pump for you
  • How to set up and use your pump
  • Scheduling pumping sessions
  • Storing Milk & preparing to feed
  • Troubleshooting complications
  • Going back to work
  • Easy ways to save time
  • Understanding laws protecting pumping moms

    Preparing For Childbirth

    1 class  

    Price $100 

    Topics Include:

  • Ways to prepare your mind & body for birth
  • The importance of support
  • Signs & Stages of labor
  • Surrendering to the process, Breathing & coping techniques
  • Your birth & whats going on
  • The immediate Postpartum

Are you interested in a private class?

Complete the form below and Sandra will be in touch with more information.